Tuesday, March 17, 2009

Florida 2009- Part 2

Collecting seashells was a close second.

How nice it was to sit outside for our meals. Here's Reese and Nana D during our little "cocktail hour."

And Reese with Boom-boom/ Grandad/ Johnny Bubba/ Grandpa. He got it all from Reese this week.

Can't forget Hunter, the smiling, charming, happy-all-the-time baby.

Yes, she swam with her little life jacket on all by herself. I never dreamed she'd be doing it on her own, but she did and she wore herself out every afternoon going from one end of the pool to the other.

Reese made friends wherever she went. She truly has a very outgoing personality. We took her to a playground one morning and within minutes of being there she took her new friend by the hand and helped her around the playground. Ummmmmm, adorable!!!!!

My 2 beach boys:)

And my little beach bunny. Dare I say, she *owned* that beach!?!!

Mark so enjoyed his time playing with Reese on the beach. I don't think it's a stretch to say that he had every bit as much fun as she had.

And Hunter and I spent a lot of our time sitting under the umbrella. He was surprisingly good on the beach. At first he wasn't too sure of the sand and just stayed put on the blanket.

After a while he got more brave though and definitely ate his fair share of sand as you can see.

Bedtime with Nana D.

My dad and Hunter were able to spend a lot of quality time together. He's at that perfect age where he's not a tiny baby which can be quite daunting to grandfathers, but not yet a toddler either. I think they really enjoyed their time together:)

Reese braving her way into the "cold tub." (the hot tub that didn't work)

Yep, it's cold in here. Brrrrrrrrr!

More poolside grandfather/grandson bonding.

No family pictures. Try as we may, it seems nearly impossible to have all 4 of us look at a camera and smile. Maybe next year. And we desperately hope that there is a next year!!!!!!


Blogger Donna M said...

Glad you enjoyed your visit! We loved having you all! Great pics!

11:13 p.m.  
Blogger A Crafty Mom said...

I love the one of Reese swimming - she did so great for only two years old!!! She'll be swimming in Olympics in no time :-) AMAZING pictures, I loved them all! I could feel the warmth from the sun!

9:51 p.m.  

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