Sunday, November 12, 2006

Rock on, Dude!

With the sun shining for a change, we thought it was a great chance to try out Reese's "Baby Banz." Doesn't she look like a rock star with her shades on?!!?! A special thanks to Shelley for finding these keepers!

Reese is really turning into quite the character. Her personality comes out more and more every day. She spends lots of time just laughting, cooing and gurgling at anything and everything. And on Friday she rolled over for the first time! We couldn't be more proud! Needless to say we're really enjoying this stage she's at now and hope it lasts a long time. Once she's crawling and walking it's a whole new ball game.

We're looking forward to visiting with her Nana and Granddad in Nova Scotia next week. We've opted to travel over on the ferry as Reese still isn't crazy about the car. We figured this would save both Reese and myself some grief. And Mark is heading to hot and sunny Florida for Nascar races while we're in NS. Sounds like fun......minus the Nascar :-)

Monday, November 06, 2006

Family Pictures

We headed down to the K-Park beach this past weekend and took some more family photos. Mark's become pretty talented with his new camera and it's a lot cheaper than professional photos. It was a beautiful day, but crisp to say the least so we're all bundled up. In fact this morning we had flurries! Anyway, here are some of the better pictures he captured:

And I managed to snap this adorable one of Reese and her Daddy:

I have no doubt that Reese is going to be a "daddy's girl." You should hear the way she laughs and giggles at Mark. She certainly doesn't with that much enthusiasm with me. Here she is in her new Chariot stroller. Mark got this on Ebay and let me tell you, it's a machine! You can run, walk, bike, and ski with it. I wouldn't be surprised if it spreads wing and flies too! Mark's planning to keep up his running training this way. He's even talking about attempting a triathalon next summer. Hope Reese is up for it!
And of course we can't leave out Cashman. Can you believe he'll be celebrating his 9th birthday on the 14th? I say "celebrating" loosely.......he may get 2 timbits instead of his usual 1.