Thursday, January 17, 2008

Swimming Class

Reese and I started another swimming class this year. She hasn't really been in the water all that much, so I was curious to see how she'd react. Well the first week she seemed pretty bored with the whole thing. Certainly no splashing and screaming like all of the other kids. But she didn't seem to mind it either. Week 2 she seemed to warm up to it a bit more as you can see from the pictures.

This picture was taken just seconds after I dunked her underwater for the very first time. She did really screaming or fussing. But as you can see, she doesn't look super-impressed!

Being only 18 months old, she doesn't really follow directions as well as some of the older kids do. We didn't have much luck with blowing bubbles, kicking or "just hanging onto" this floating mat. Reese insisted on climbing right onto it. Oh well, she wasn't the only one and she seemed to enjoy it.

Here she is getting ready to take the plunge. Again, seemingly unimpressed.

And might I mention kudos to moi for being brave enough to squeeze myself into a bathing suit at 5 months pregnant!

Reese had her (gulp!) 18 month checkup the other day. She's doing just great and at 28 lbs and 85 cm tall she remains at the very high end of normal for her age. She was a model patient for her checkup, I was so proud......and then the needles came out.......3 of them to be exact. You would have thought someone was actually trying to murder her. I felt so badly for all the other patients at the office that day. Needless to say, we survived. Her fourth eye tooth is just about to poke through and praise the lord, I think we're done until the 2 year molars! Teething has not been particularly fun for Reese, or Mom and Dad for that matter!

Sunday, January 06, 2008

Happy 2008!

Well 2008 has arrived and so far, so good! We had a lovely Christmas break that took us to NS to visit with my Mom and Dad. It was great being with family at Christmas time, and even moreso as Mom was just 3 weeks post knee replacement at the time. It was amazing to see her getting around as well as she was and not just that, but preparing a Christmas feast for all of us and trying to not to trip over Reese at the same time! She did great! Despite Reese cutting all four incisors, she was in pretty good spirits. At 17 months old, she didn't quite get the whole Christmas thing yet, but by the end of Christmas morning she had certainly caught on to the whole gift-unwrapping thing. Here she is in her adorable Christmas jammies playing with one of her many Christmas goodies:

She was also lucky enough to get a brand new sled for Christmas. With 30+ cm of snow down in Saint John, we had a chance to try it out once we were home. As you can see, it was a huge success!

Here's my Mom's always gorgeous tree:

And my ever-photogenic Dad opening a gift:

And Reese totally enjoying a toddler sized chair my Mom dug out for her:

So now here we are back to the daily grind. As nice as an extended break is, it's always nice to get back to a schedule and routine! Oh, and at 21 weeks pregnant, we're over halfway there! Happy 2008!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!