Sunday, May 10, 2009

Neglectful Blogger

I know, I know, it's been ages since I've posted on my blog. There are a number of reasons for this:

1. Time- 2 kids, know how it is.
2. In this world of Facebook, Twitter, Flickr, etc there's hardly the need to post pictures and update you all on my life....lets face it, it's already all out there!
3. After becoming more familiar with the blogosphere, I can't help but feeling that my pathetic little blog is....shall we say inadequate? I can't say as I feel that I'm adding to the blog world in any way. And as you well know, I'm not someone to half-assed do things.

So that being said, I won't say farewell to my blog at this point in time, but I'm letting you know up front that if you're interested in what's going on in my little world, follow me on Twitter and/or add me as a friend on Facebook as the blog posts may become few and far between.

For now, here are some updated pictures of the kiddies. Reese is going through that stubborn-don't-take-a-picture-of-me stage so there are noticeably fewer pics of the peanut butter cup.

Here's Hunter making a break for it.

"Let me outta here!"

Reese loves holding her little brother:)

Basking in the sun:)

Doesn't he look spiffy?

Please notice the raspberry on top of his head.

He love, love, loves his sand and water table.

Showing off some of his new teeth.

My 2 cuties playing in the sand:)