Monday, July 21, 2008

Proud Nana and Papa

Hunter has officially fallen victim to the "second child syndrom." Yes, I have to apologize for the lack of pictures of the little guy. I keep bugging Mark to put together a little slideshow so I can post it here, but there really don't seem to be enough pictures of him to put one together. So I thought I'd throw in a few gems from the weekend:)

Papa and Hunter......although it took a little coaxing, he looks like a natural!

And looking just as content with Nana:)

Reese turns 2!!!

It's hard to believe, but Reese turned 2 this weekend! We decided to forgo a big birthday bash and had a lovely, low-key bbq with Reese's Nana and Papa. We're planning on having a small party next weekend when my sister and her family are here. We're so excited to see them all as we haven't seen them since last summer! Once again this year, Reese was not really thrilled when the cake and singing, she screamed and cried, but seemed to thoroughly enjoy eating the cake and especially the ice cream! So here are a few pictures to mark the big day:)

Very excited about her presents!

......still loving the bubbles:)

Birthday dinner.

Here she is as she first spies the new playset Mark and I got her for her birthday. And kudos to Daddy for putting it together so quickly!!!

A new "dolly" for the 2 year old. Can a 2 year old ever have enough dolls???

Here she is enthusiastically trying out her new slide. I'm glad to report it was quite a hit!

Thursday, July 17, 2008

Another Sunny Weekend in Southern NB!

We've really been lucky with the warm sunny weather we've had this summer.....very uncharacteristic for the Fundy coast! Not so great for the farmers and for our poor lawns, but I have no qualms with it! Needless to say, much of our time has been spent at the cottage. Although getting there is much more of a job when you're packing for 4 rather than 2, it's always so worth it once we get there. This past weekend we had a bbq with some of our friends (and Reese's friends!) which was great entertainment for all of us.

Here's Daddy, Reese and Hunter (in the Baby Bjorn carrier). Reese is really well behaved at the beach, she's not interested in going too far into the water and spends most of her time throwing rocks in the water. 

Reese is so good at sharing her toys with Hunter:)

Do we have another thumb sucker on our hands?! I swore my second child would take a soother and although I try almost everyday, so far, no luck.

Reese and some of her buddies playing on her new bunk bed.

My boys:))

As most of you probably know, Reese has not been totally co-operatve in the hair department. In fact, I'm lucky if she'll even let me brush it. She freaks at the hairdresser now so we've resorted to her sitter for trimming her bangs (and a mighty fine job she does, I might add). Well we had a breakthrough this week! Her buddy was visiting and Reese saw her mom put a bow in her hair. Then lo and behold, Reese wanted a bow in her hair! And she actually allowed me to put a clip in her hair!! Major breakthrough! And doesn't she just look adorable???

Her sand and water playtable that she got for her 1st birthday are a huge hit with all the kids. The resulting sand that gets dragged into the cottage is not such a hit with Mom, but well worth the hours of fun for the munchkins!

And just a quick update on Hunter......I had him in for his 2 month needles, which he of course HATED, and had him weighed.......13lbs! He's doing great and continues to be a really good little baby. He's slept through the night once (from 10-7am) but is usually up once. Last weekend he decided to go on a bottle strike for Dad which was quite a scare for me. I don't know what I'd do if I didn't have that freedom. So he's had a bottle every night since, and although he clearly isn't a big fan, he's taking it in small quantities. Thank GOD!

Wednesday, July 02, 2008

Canada Day 2008

Despite some less than stellar weather we packed up and headed to the cottage for the weekend. Even though it's only 20 minutes away, you just feel like your "away" when you're there. Mark and I have always enjoyed escaping to the cottage and it seems like Reese is right there with us. It's endlessly entertaining there for her.....birds, flowers, water, rocks.....what more could a girl ask for? We headed to the Canada Day festivites at a local park, but truth be told, it was just plain old overwhelming for poor Reese and she unfortunatley had a number of *meltdowns.* Can you really expect a 2 yr old to wait in line  for 15 minutes to go on a ride?! She had the best of intentions of riding a pony until she was up close and way was she getting on that horsey's back! Needless to say, we headed back to the cottage to enjoy the simpler things.....birds, flowers, water and rocks! A quieter Canada Day than usual, but enjoyable nonetheless! Here are a few gems from the weekend:

Mark has a picture of he and his brother in the same pose when they were kids. Don't ask me how he managed to get them both to smile!

 Happy camper at the playground.

I think she's saying "What the $#^/{*:?"

Cooling off in her pool:)

Hunter just a chillin'