Tuesday, January 30, 2007


Well after a week to 10 days of being off on her sleeping, Reese may be returning to somewhat of a schedule. She's napping right now and has been for 2 hours. Thank God, frankly! She's still waking through the night but is managing to soothe herslef back to sleep. How quickly you forget what those sleep deprived first few weeks of motherhood feel like! Her tooth has still not cut through but we're expecting to see it any day. She was at the doctor yesterday for her 6 month check up and weighed 19 lbs 3oz... still in the 95th percentile for height and weight. That's my girl!

We had pictures done last week at Sears and we wore this adorable dress that Auntie Shannon got for her for Christmas. I think the pictures turned out well, we'll see when they arrive.

And here are my two babies taking a nap (yes Reese is the purple speck in the crib:-). Cash has been slow to warm up to Reese, but as you can see here they're snug as a bug in a rug (or as close as they've ever been to it). I shut the door and was on the phone a few minutes later when I heard Cash crying to get out of the room. Thank God he didn't wake up Reese! Anyhow, I thought it was picture-worthy!

Wednesday, January 24, 2007

No Pictures :-(

Well to say Reese has been a handful lately would be an understatement. Last week she was pretty fussy with the teething, but NOTHING compared to her demeanor the past 4 or 5 days! We went to Halifax to see the Canadian Figure Skating Championships with my mom and between the teething and the fact that her routine was interrupted and in a new place, she turned into a devil-child. She decided she was no longer interested in naps nor sleeping through the night. The only way I could get her to sleep was by nursing her. So unfortunately I have no pictures from the skating because Reese really didn't allow me to sit and watch the skating while she was with me. Thank God for a friend of my Mom's daughter and my brother-in-law Pete who watched her for me in the evenings. So I did manage to enjoy some of the skating, and I must say it was fabulous!

Since we've been home she's still not back to herself. I can clearly see her other bottom tooth ready to cut through, so I'm pretty confident that's the issue. But what a challenge to get her back to her napping schedule. I've had to give up and let her cry which we've really never had to do before. She's managing to get short naps, but nothing compared to what she usually gets. Last night she finally slept through the night again and this morning went down for a nap with relatively little fuss. She's been asleep for over an hour now, so I'm praying that she's finally settling back into her old routine! Keep yer fingers crossed!

Also on my plate is our new house.....yep, we're selling our house and buying a new one! We were very spatially (is that a word?) challenged over Christmas and I caught the real-estate bug. So just like that, we found a bigger house in the same subdivision that we just love and suits our needs. So Mark took charge of selling our house privately and it sold within 6 days. We're still in the process of finallizing the details, but it looks like things should wrap up by the end of the day and we'll be moving in April or May. Quite a lot of stress, but I'm sure it will be well worth it in the end!

And finally, Cash has given us a bit of a scare lately. He's had a limp that's gotten worse and worse over the past few months and has really gotten bad the past week or two. So we've been carting him to different vets getting Xrays and second opinions and no one seems to be able to find a darn thing wrong with him. He's 9 now, so you worry when they get to be that old. There may be a touch of arthritis in one of his shoulders but nothing that appears to be life threatening:-) I'm chalking it up to a combination of old age and a bit of stress caused by you-know-who.

So yes, it's been a bit hectic lately and that's my excuse for no pictures! Things should settle here shortly and I promise to get snap-happy again and post more pictures of the babe and our new house!

Tuesday, January 16, 2007

Teething, teething and more teething.....

Yes, the teething continues:-( However, today we noticed that one of her lower teeth has cut through! Hopefully that means that the worst is over for now.....only 31 more to go! I shouldn't complain, she really was not that bad. Just fussy and on one or two occasions, inconsolable (right Nana and Grandad Murray!??!)

We had our 6 month follow up at the breastfeeding clinic (yes, I'm *still* breastfeeding) and we were weighed in at 18 lbs 13 oz. So obviously her weight gain has slowed, but remains healthy. I give her a bit of formula mixed with expressed milk when she takes a bottle, but can't seem to let go of the nursing. It depends on the day, somedays I think I've had it and other days I can't imagine giving it up. She's improving with solids, but hasn't yet mastered it. She takes a good three or 4 bites per meal, but the rest she just pushes out. She's not bothered by it though, so we shall continue.

Her newest obsession is her feet- they're in her mouth every chance she gets. Here she is getting ready to devour her left foot:

I give her Mum-mum crakers after her meals (don't worry, they're essentially rice cereal and instantly melt on her tongue) and you can see all the little bits she's pushed out of her mouth. Can you say messy?

Here are she and her daddy watching the tube. It fascinates me how mesmerized she is with the TV. If it's on, she's watching. And the funny thing is that Mark's the exact same way. I catch him totally caught up in Dora and the Backyardigans when we turn it on for her, because he can't help but watch it if it's on. Forget trying to have a conversation with him if the TV's on. I fear she's going to be the exact same way!

Reese loves her new piano she got for Christmas. I explained to her that she couldn't use it until she can sit up on her own and she suggested the Bumbo chair because she just couldn't wait to tickle the ivories. Worked great as you can see:

Tuesday, January 02, 2007

Happy 2007!

It's hard to believe another year has come and gone, but here we are in 2007! Last year absolutely flew by for us with all the excitement little Reese created. We're looking forward to lots of fun and excitement in the year ahead.

So Reese is forging ahead with the eating of solids. I think she's doing pretty well. She sure isn't crazy about the rice cereal and I'm so tempted to mush up some bananas in it, but I'm sticking to my guns and holding off until she's tried all the veggies. So far squash is her favorite. Here she saying "You're going to make me eat WHAT!!??!!?!"

Her new thing is sticking her thumb in her mouth as soon as the spoon is out. Makes for a messy meal time, but from what I've heard, we ain't seen nothing yet!

And here she is quite content that supper is done!