Tuesday, November 13, 2007

Reese's Big News

Thursday, November 01, 2007

Soooooo slack......I know!

My apologies for being so slack at updating my blog. Life is pretty hectic these days to say the least! But all is well and I wouldn't change a thing. Although the working mom thing is busy, I really am enjoying being back at work. For me, it's a fine balance. And Lola has certainly added a bit of work to our lives, but as all you dog lovers know, there's nothing better than coming home to a wagging tail! It's so nice to have her around. And she's just a wonderful little dog......we're really pleased with how things have turned out. She and Reese truley are "buds" and play together and keep eachother company. Reese is often less than gentle with her and Lola just turns a blind eye and puts up with it.

Apparently Reese's looks are really changing. Of course, we see her every day so don't tend to notice, but everyone that sees her comments on how much she's changing. So here are a few pictures to keep you up to date with the little peanut butter cup (which of course we handed out as Halloween treats....Reese.....get it?)

Here she is in her "a- little- too- small- but- we- made- it- fit" Piglet costume:0)

And here she is just lookin' plain old cute:

Diving onto and rolling over Lola:

I wish we could capture Reese's reaction when Dora the Explorer comes on TV. This picture just doen't do it justice!