A Blog from the Fog
I'm a new mom living in New Brunswick with family and friends scattered across the country. I hope to keep everyone up to date with pictures and postings of our new little one on this blog. Enjoy!
Monday, September 29, 2008
Monday, September 22, 2008
Kiddie Olympics
Ok, I'm officially that over-the-top, gushing, proud Mom. Our community had its annual corn boil and kidddie Olympics this past weekend. I assumed Reese was too young to partake and would simply wander around and enjoy all the excitement of the afternoon. Mark felt otherwise and signed her up for a number of the events. So there she was, at the head of the line for the long jump. In my mind, there was NO WAY she would make the long trek down the path and then jump at the end, especially in front of so many people. But I held my breath, camera in hand, and just hoped for the best. And here's what my little peanut butter cup did:
Yep, here she is beating it down to the end as fast as her little feet would carry her:
Can you see Dad cheering her on?
It's a long way for a 2 year old.
And then my little athlete stopped and jumped with ALL of her might.
I will admit, a tear may have slipped out of my eye. I couldn't have been more proud:-) Unfortunately I missed her throwing the shot put (YES, she did!!!!) but rest assured we will be there again next year with the video camera!
Monday, September 08, 2008
Trip to Ottawa
We're just home from a fantastic weekend away in Ottawa. We had a wedding to attend in Port Hope, Ontario and so we made a long weekend trip to Ottawa of it. Reese had been talking for WEEKS about "David-airplane" so needless to say, it was an exciting time for Reese. The kids played hard, all weekend long. Everyone got along great and Reese's affection for David only grew stronger:) The plane ride was a breeze compared to what I was expecting......but don't get me wrong......it was still a handful (I had to laugh when Mark accepted the morning newspaper that the flight attendant offered him.....never quite got that read.) But all and all, both Reese and Hunter were as good as gold. Mark and I even managed to have a kid-free day. When we went to the wedding which was about a 2 and 1/2 hour drive from Ottawa, Shannon kept Reese and a good friend of ours in Ottawa kept Hunter. My only real worry was Hunter since he's only been taking the bottle for a week. I'm happy to report he sucked back every bottle without batting an eye and even spoiled Jodi with a 3 hour nap after I'd assured her he'd only sleep for 45 minutes at a time. So of course we were thrilled that everything went as well as it did. I slacked a bit in the picture department, but here are a few gems.
The farm where the wedding was hosted left us speechless and there happened to be a spectacular sunset that night. So here's a rare picture of Mark and myself at the wedding:
Shannon arranged a get together with our 2 cousins who live in Ottawa and their kids. It was an absolute ball! We tried for a picture.......9 kids......this is the best we could get. And I must mention Stephanie, the oldest, who wasn't able to be there:(
Hunter's first plane ride:
Clearly enjoying himself:)
Monday, September 01, 2008
A Visit from the Baby Whisperer
Yes, we had a visit from our very own Baby Whisperer this weekend, a.k.a. Nana D. Our little Hunter has been such a good little baby and then a few weeks ago he up and decided to no longer take a bottle:( This of course proved to be a HUGE issue for me as it meant I couldn't leave the little stinkers side for more than 2 or 3 hours for......well for God knows how long! So we enlisted my mom, who assured us she'd get the little guy taking a bottle and she didn't fail us! When I asked how she managed to do it she replied "I put the bottle in his mouth and he started sucking." Go figure:) She helped us "tweak" a few of our bad habits we may have developed with Hunter (like sticking a boob in his mouth everytime he fussed!) and he's eating and sleeping better than he ever has! So, I really do feel it was a worthwhile visit and that she truly deserves the title "Baby Whisperer."
Here she is after working her magic:
Reese had a weekend visit with her other Nana and Papa so she was away for Nana D's visit. I caught this picture the other day after she grabbed a magazine and took a seat in the Bumbo chair to check it out.
We've strapped Hunter into the Jolly Jumper but he hasn't yet caught on to the whole "jumping" thing.