I'm always sad after a visit with my sister......sad that we don't live closer together so we could see eachother more often. And the kids. We always have such a great time when we're together. She and Thing 3 were here for a visit this past weekend and it was just perfect. Yes, 2 of 3 kids were teething and one was caught in the midst of the terrible 2's, and no, we didn't do much of anything while she was here, but it was still just perfect. We just hung out and were moms, sisters and kids.
Reese has been HATING baths for the past little while, but she was more than thrilled to have Leah join her in the tub. Here they are post-bath watching a little Dora.
I'm in disbelief that this little guy turned 6 months old this weekend:( He was in for his needles today and received a clean bill of health. He's a healthy 17lbs and 14 oz, not nearly the porker that his sister was at his age, but he's tall (in the 90th percentile) and has inherited his father's "bison head" as we like to refer to it (also 90th percentile).
I think Leah was going in for a kiss here.
Yes, she's cute, but it doesn't hurt that her mother ALWAYS has her dressed in the cutest duds!
I mean, they're just too cute for words. Please note the rosy red cheeks and drool sodden shirts. Think they might be teething? I also have to say that Hunter is beginning to look more and more like his Grandad. Could it be the sweater vest and bald head??
Leah is on the move....and she's fast! Poor Shan has her hands full.....and then tag on Thing 1 and 2! I've said it before and I'll say it again, Shan, you're a brave woman!
Here are the 3 cousins just as snug as bugs in the back of the truck. They just barely fit!